Thursday, February 17, 2011

And the Journey Begins...

Here's a little video about me getting to Japan.  It was an entire day of flying.  I left California at 5AM Thursday morning and landed in Japan Friday night.

This was my first attempt at using iMovie, so please excuse the weak transitions and music.

Thank you for caring.

Ohayo gozaimasu!

And the Beat Goes On...


  1. hi ading! eeks! how fun! this video make me so excited for you and this journey. i can't wait to see (read) more of japan through your eyes. so happy for you. xoxo: ate gen

  2. This is awesome! Glad you made it. Great job on the vid. Can't wait for the next episode! (if it's not too much to time put music credits for your "Beat Goes On Soundtrack" so we can download the tunes later!). Nic :)

  3. Mos Def-History...dude you HAVE to give me that remix version you have on your vid

  4. aawwwww!! You went to Shinsaibashi already! Alex, you are going to have so much fun and you will have the experience that you will never be able to forget! so proud of you :)

  5. Keep the updates coming, I'll be watching the Journey

    "Get better Everyday"
    "Pretty Good is not good enough"

  6. iLL!! Looking forward to hearing and seeing your journey unfold.. Hopefully I can make a cameo.. Keep doing your thing..
